Source: polyfill/Symbol.js

// Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
// IBM Watson Analytics
// (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2015
// US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
// disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

module.exports = ( function()
"use strict";
var next = 0;

 * Create a "{@link Symbol}" which is
 * actually just a string (so it works "like" a Symbol in older environments).
 * Symbol is never used with new, it is meant to be invoked as a creator function:
 *      var key = Symbol( "description" );
 *      var obj = {};
 *      obj[key] = "value";
 * @class module:barejs/polyfill.Symbol
 * @throws {TypeError} Throws a TypeError if used as a constructor (with new).
 * @param {string} [_description] Optional: a description of the Symbol that will provide a hint of what the
 * Symbol is for. Only for debug, does not affect the actual Symbol in any way.
return function Symbol( _description )
    if ( this instanceof Symbol )
        throw new TypeError( "Symbol is not a constructor" );

    return "__" + ( ++next ) + "\x01Symbol(" + ( _description || "" ) + ")";

}() );